Starlings may seem like ordinary birds, but don’t let their appearance fool you. These noisy invaders can cause serious problems if they decide to make your home or business their nesting ground.


With their aggressive nature and ability to reproduce quickly, starlings can be challenging to deal with once they settle in. Learning how to get rid of starlings the right way can save you a lot of headaches and prevent costly damage to your property.


In this guide, we’ll dive into why starlings are a concern, why some DIY methods might not be enough, and how professional pest control can make all the difference.

Understanding Your Starling Problem

Starlings are not your average backyard birds. They’re known for nesting in large groups and causing significant damage to buildings. They prefer to make their homes in attics, eaves, vents, and other hidden spots, leading to structural issues.

starling in a tree

Beyond that, their droppings are a genuine concern. Not only are they unsightly, but they’re also highly corrosive and can carry diseases like histoplasmosis, which can harm humans.


Starlings also bring along uninvited guests. When they nest in your attic or other areas, they often introduce secondary pests like mites, fleas, and lice. These pests can spread throughout your home or business, posing a whole new set of challenges.

DIY Solutions: What Works and What Doesn’t

Many people turn to DIY methods to figure out how to get rid of starlings, but not every starling control product hits the mark. Let’s break down a few common methods to determine what works best for you.

Bird Spikes and Netting

Bird spikes and netting are often touted as great ways to prevent starlings from nesting in problem areas like rooftops and ledges. These tools work by making it difficult for the birds to land and settle.

bird spikes

While spikes and netting can help deter starlings, they require careful installation and constant upkeep. Plus, starlings are persistent and can find new spots to nest if the first ones are blocked.

Sound and Light Deterrents

Devices that use noise or flashing lights to scare starlings away may seem like a simple solution, but there’s a catch. These birds are clever, and they quickly become used to the disturbances. As the birds adapt, what starts as an effective deterrent can lose its power within days. Some noise machines can also become a nuisance for homeowners or nearby businesses, making them more trouble than they’re worth.

Removing Food Sources

Starlings are opportunistic feeders, which means they’re drawn to easily accessible food, like open trash cans, bird feeders, or leftover pet food. Keeping these food sources out of reach can help make your property less appealing.


But here’s the issue: once starlings have nested on your property, simply removing their food won’t be enough. If they’ve already found a comfortable nesting spot, they’ll stick around and find food elsewhere.

Dog Food in a Stainless Steel Bowl

These DIY methods might help temporarily, but they won’t offer a lasting solution for getting rid of starlings. To truly eliminate them and protect your property, you’ll need a more comprehensive approach that targets both the birds and the root of the problem.

Sentinel Pest Control’s Starling Removal

When you’ve had enough of the noise, mess, and damage that starlings bring, it’s time to call in the experts. Professional pest control helps you determine how to get rid of starlings and ensures they stay gone. At Sentinel Pest Control, we specialize in long-term solutions that go beyond quick fixes.


Our approach to starling control focuses on two main goals: removing the birds and preventing them from coming back. We don’t scare them away; we ensure they’re gone for good. Here’s a look at our process for handling starling infestations.


  • Attic Fogging: Starlings frequently choose attics as their nesting spots, and when they do, we start with attic fogging. This method pushes the birds out by making the area unlivable for them, forcing them to vacate the space.

  • Entry Point Repair: After the birds are gone, our priority is ensuring they can’t return. Starlings often slip through small gaps in attics, vents, or other areas of your home. We seal these entry points using sturdy materials like hardware cloth or bird-proof vent covers.

  • Nest Removal: If accessible, we also remove any nests left behind. Nest removal helps reduce the risk of other pests being attracted to the area and discourages new starlings from trying to take over the abandoned spot.


At Sentinel Pest Control, we understand that no two infestations are alike, which is why we offer tailored solutions for dealing with pests like starlings. Our CustomCare™ Program is designed to address the unique challenges posed by birds and other pests.


At Sentinel Pest Control, we’re here to help you eliminate starlings and prevent future infestations. Contact us today to learn more about our customized pest control solutions and reclaim your space from these noisy invaders!